
Welcome to my Portfolio

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“Let’s go invent tomorrow

instead of worrying about what

happened yesterday.” – Steve Jobs

Welcome to My Portfolio. Hello and thank you for visiting my portfolio website. I'm Bahasuru Nayanakantha, a passionate Computer engineering undergraduate with a creative spirit and a love for Electronic. This is where I showcase my journey, experiences, and the projects that define my career.

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Experience,Education and Certifications


  • As a computer engineer undergarduate, I have worked on various projects that involved designing, developing, and testing software systems. Some of the challenges I faced were debugging complex code, optimizing performance, and ensuring compatibility with different platforms and devices. I enjoyed collaborating with other engineers and learning new skills and technologies. I also had to communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders, and deliver high-quality products within deadlines and budgets.


  • I'm pursuing my bachelor's degree in computer engineering at General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. My academic journey has been a thrilling exploration of the digital realm, from coding algorithms to designing circuits. I'm constantly seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills in this ever-evolving field.


  • Certificate course in Professional English
  • Certificate course in Computer Hardware Basics
  • Certificate course in Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • Certificate course in Introduction to HTML
  • Certificate course in CCNA: Introduction to Networks
  • Certificate course in Java (Basic)
  • Certificate course in Introduction to IoT



Line-following robot using Arduino

A line-following robot is a type of autonomous robot that is capable of tracking and following a line or path on the ground. These robots are commonly used in various applications such as industrial automation, logistics, and hobby projects. They typically consist of a chassis, wheels, motors, sensors, and a microcontroller for processing.

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Countdown to my graduation